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Юрий Нестеров, ученик НОУ «Петербургский лицей»

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Учителя НОУ «Петербургский лицей»

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Петр I. 1 сентября 2009. НОУ «Петербургский лицей»

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Екатерина II. 1 сентября 2009. НОУ «Петербургский лицей»

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ВИДЕОУРОК по теме “Master Cook Club”. PDF Печать E-mail
02.07.2010 09:47

Задача урока: проверить уровень сформированности навыков и умений в монологической, диалогической, письменной речи по изученной теме..

                                              ХОД УРОКА

1. Оргмомент.
    Hi, friends! Sit down! Today we are having the final lesson on topic “Master Cook Club”. What do we usually do when we want to have a snack? Some of us go to the café or to the snack-bar, others begin cooking themselves. Some of us take pop-corn or cornflakes and sit down in front of the TV watching our favourite programmes.
     So, today you will play different roles.
2. Развитие диалогической и монологической речи.
Ребятам предлагается вытянуть билеты с предложенными ситуациями:
- выход в кафе,
- провести программу «Смак»,
- провести программу «Здоровье» на ОРТ,
- пригласить на канал «Культура» гостей,
- сыграть роль домоседа- любителя поесть у телевизора.
 Well, let’s begin!
-    Hi, Anton! Where are you going?
-    Hi! Sorry, I am in a hurry. I am quite short of time but I’m so hungry. I don’t know where I can have a snack.
-    No problem! Let’s go to the café “Uyut”. It’s quite near our gymnasium.
-    But is the cuisine tasty there?
-    Very tasty!
-    Then let’s go. .. Oh, it’s so overcrowded here! And you told me there‘s usually no people at all!
-    I didn’t expect such situation.
Waiter: Can I help you?
-    We are in a hurry. Have you got a free table for two?
Waiter: Of course, there is one over there.
-     Thank you.
Waiter: What would you like? Here is a menu. Think a little, I will come up to you later.
-    Will you have any salads?
-    No, I’ll begin with a main course. And you?
-    So will I.
Waiter: Well, are you ready? Any salads?
-    No, what about main courses?
Waiter: I can recommend you veal sausages with fried potatoes.
-    Well, let me think. Er, I’d like soup of the day and rice with ham.
-    As for me I’d like fried chicken with cabbage. Is it spicy? I don’t like spicy food.
Waiter: No, it’s finger-licking good. What about drinks?
-    A glass of mineral water and a cup of black coffee.
-    I think I’ll have a cup of English tea.
Waiter: Do you mean a cup of tea with milk?
-    It’s just what I mean.
Waiter: Well, everything will be ready in a minute.
-    How do you like the café?
-    It’s rather cosy and nice and the service is polite and helpful.
      Waiter: Here you are. That is your order and this is your check. Bon Apetite!

-    Thank you!
-    Oh! It’s rather tasty! Thank you for your advice. I’ll visit this café more often!
                                  (in the street)
-    Hello, Vasya! Where are you going?
Vasya: I’m going home. I’m so hungry!
-    Our advice is to go to this café.
Vasya: No, my mother has left me so much food that I can cook some food myself. Bye!
                                       (at home)
Vasya: So, where is my cooking book? Here is it! Let’s look for something tasty! Oh, shashlyk! It’s very tasty. (reads) Take a barbecue… But I haven’t got any barbecue! What shall I do? Well, I’d better take my favourite pop-corn and watch TV. It’s high time for my show “Smack”.
                               (TV programme)
-    Hello, friends! Today our programme is visited by a famous actress, our beautiful Ksenia!
-    Good day, dear spectators! I’m happy to see you again! I love you! Thank you that you have invited me!
-    Well, Ksenia, do you like to cook?
-    Yes, of course, but I have no time at all !!! I spend too much time in the theatre. That’s why I like to cook very simple and quick dishes.
-    What do you do to keep fit?
-    I’m always on a diet.
-    Poor thing! What are we going to cook today?
-    First of all I’d like to describe a recipe of a very tasty dish kebab, and then I’ll show you how to cook a very quick breakfast.
-    Really? Are these your favourite dishes?
-    Yes, but I can’t eat kebab very often because it is very calorific. And dish for breakfast is very tasty and useful.
-    Well, we are listening to you very attentively.
-    Let’s begin with our breakfast. To cook it, take 2 hardboiled eggs. Put them on the plate, cut them into 2 halves. Cover them with mayonnaise. That is all! It’s really a very simple recipe. But believe me this dish is full of vitamins and proteins.
-    It is really so, let’s taste them! Oh, finger-licking good! What about kebab?
-    To cook kebab you’ll need 900g beef, 12 baby onions, 24 button mushrooms, 2 red peppers, 2 yellow peppers, 4 large courgettes. Place the beef and vegetables in a large bowl. Then prepare the sauce: blend yoghurt, lemon juice, chopped fresh mint, pepper. Cut the beef into cubes. Prepare the vegetables: peel and halve the onions, wash and dry the mushrooms, deseed the peppers and cut each into 12 pieces. Wash and dry courgettes and cut into thin slices. Prepare the marinade; pour it into bowl with beef and vegetables and leave to marinate for several hours or overnight. Then thread the beef, vegetables and bay leaves alternatively on to the metal skewers and cook over a hot barbecue for 15 minutes. The beef and vegetables should be browned and tender.  You will have a real pleasure eating it!
                                          (at home)
Vasya: Oh, no, again this barbecue! What can I do if  I don’t have barbecue? Well, my favourite pop-corn, you always help me! What is there on the first channel, I wonder?
                           (programme “Health”)
-Hello, our friends! Today we’ll tell you about healthy food and one of the healthiest diet in the world – the so-called Kensington diet. It is a well-combined diet. Simply don’t mix proteins and carbohydrates. It is very important because their mixture can cause physical problems and alternations. Don’t overeat. It is an unbreakable rule of the Kensington diet. Eat a little less than you would normally. It is advisable to keep your intake of fats and oils to a minimum, especially when eating them with carbohydrates. But of course, if you are planning to change your daily food intake, always check first with your doctor.
   To have a success you must know which foods are proteins and which are carbohydrates. Remember!
 Proteins such as meat, fish, poultry, cheese, milk can be combined with proteins and vegetables.
Carbohydrates such as potatoes, pasta, beans can be mixed with other carbohydrates and vegetables.
Vegetables can be combined with any foods and can be eaten alone. Follow our advice and you’ll be healthy!
Vasya: Again about food! No, I’ll change the channel. I think programme “Culture” will give another information.
                        (Круглый стол на канале «Культура» )
-    Good afternoon, dear spectators! Today our talk is devoted to one of the most interesting topics in the world: history of cooking and dining etiquette. My guests will tell us some world-known information about cooking history.
-    Hello, everybody! I must say that modern cookery began in Italy during the Renaissance. England followed the Continental fashions, and in addition a distinctive national cookery     arose. Flowers were used in dishes. Later, with the Puritan influence, simpler tastes returned, with emphasis on natural flavours and fewer spices. Methods of preservation internationalized the use of many foods. In England frozen lamb and mutton were consumed in 1878. To the cookery of other countries America added its own foods – potatoes, squash, corn and tomatoes. For example, potatoes were first cultivated in South America. It was brought to Europe from the Americans by explorers in the 16th century. So we can say that cookery is the world’s melting pot.
-    Well, thank you for such interesting facts. And as for me I’m greatly interested in the history and traditions of British etiquette. I was in England and was greatly impressed by the difference of British etiquette from European one.
-    Of course, it is very interesting. There is a special dining etiquette in Britain. I’ll give you only some rules of your behaviour at the table. The guests are recommended not to take their seats until the hostess and the guest of honour are seated. It is considered polite to sit upright with the hands either on the lap or resting lightly on the table. If there are certain things the person can’t eat (for whatever reasons) he should try to warn the host when replying to the invitation. The knife should be in the right hand, and the fork in the left hand. It is recommended at the end of each course to put the eater’s cutlery in a straight line up the centre of the plate. It is polite to contribute to the conversation but not to dominate it. It is impolite not to compliment the host on food. And of course you should send a thank-you note afterwards.
-    How interesting! I know how important to keep to good table manners in Britain is. But I think that eating habits in Russia and in Britain have very much in common.  I agree with Adriana Hunter who said that good table manners are the practical techniques for eating easily and without disturbing other people at the table.
-    I think she was absolutely right!
Vasya: Oh, no, food is everywhere! My poor stomach! Excuse me, my dear pop-corn! I’d rather go to the café and have a good dinner!
3. Listening. Well, thank you, and now we’ll do another task.
On the tape you will hear Barbara Hockey speak about food in Britain. Say if the statements are true or not. (запись к УМК).
1. The French tend to look down on the Britain taste in food.
2. Most foreigners’ perception of British food is rooted in what they used to cook about 50 years ago.
3. British eating habits have become international.
4. The majority of traditional cooking in Britain tend to go on in the North.
5. For many northerners the favourite dish is steak and kidney pie.
6. Barbara has to change hr mode of cooking when her father-in-law comes down for a visit.
7. The turkey stuffing is made of herbs.

4. Совершенствование навыков письма и перевода (практическое использование лексики). We have learnt so many words and expressions on the topic. I think you’ll easily cope with the next task. Translate the text. (текст дается каждому ученику, упражнение выполняется письменно).
                           Для вегетарианцев
    Помните: в некоторых российских ресторанах основные блюда перегружены мясом, овощи перевариваются и даже хороший овощной суп делается на мясном бульоне. Если вы вегетарианец, говорите это сразу и как можно чаще. Вы увидите много салатов из огурцов и помидоров, но достаточно редко можно встретить качественную рыбу и молочные продукты. Если вы увидели в меню свежие овощи, то вам повезло!
    Часто меню состоит из таких блюд, как овощные, молочные, яичные, мучные,- но не спешите. Вам стоит посмотреть названия блюд, прежде, чем полагаться на выбор официанта.
    Кстати, у русских картофель не относится к числу овощей, поэтому вы должны заказать отдельно «картофель» и отдельно «овощи».
5. Заключительная часть урока. Домашнее задание.
 Dear friends!  To finish our lesson I want to read you one quotation. Somerset Maugham said: “At dinner party one should eat wisely but not too well, and talk well, but not too wise”. Remember this rule.
 Our lesson is nearing its end. I was greatly satisfied with your work and your answers. I hope you liked the lesson, too. It was interesting and full of useful information.
Your home task is to write a composition “What does it mean to be healthy?” Thank you. Buy, see you.

 Тезисы. DOC.

                                по теме “Master Cook Club”
                      (УМК В.В.Сафоновой и др. для 8 класса)

  Задача урока: проверить уровень сформированности навыков и умений в монологической, диалогической, письменной речи по изученной теме.
   Общедидактическая цель урока: выработать умения самостоятельно применять знания, осуществить их перенос в новые условия, развивать актерские навыки, развивать интерес к получению культуроведческой информации об англоязычном мире.
Драматизация – один из главных видов активной речевой деятельности.
    Эта цель включает:
1.    Образовательный аспект:
- создать условия для реализации знаний и способов действий в новой ситуации
- выработка умений логичного, связного и выразительного высказывания
- совершенствование навыков чтения
2. Развивающий аспект:
- развитие способностей к логическому изложению, к формулированию выводов
- создание условий для повышения мотивации к изучению иностранного языка через ситуацию
- создание условий для развития интереса к заданной теме
- создание условий для осознания общеучебных потребностей.
3. Воспитательный аспект:
- формирование критического отношения к действительности, умение реагировать на заданную ситуацию и анализировать ее.
Адаптивная цель:
- умение применять знания не только в процессе изучения иностранного языка, но и уметь их использовать в реальной жизни.
Драматизация – один из главных видов речевой деятельности
Мотивационная цель ставится на основе прошлого учебного опыта и знаний по теме, в данном случае через диалоги и рассказы.
     Оборудование: плакаты, сделанные учениками, костюмы для ведущих программ,  оформление кафе, тарелки, ножи, вилки, салфетки для рассказа об этикете, продукты для программы «Смак», надписи «Смак», «Культура», «Здоровье», музыкальное оформление, микрофон, видеокамера.

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